


1. Dabeli Masala:
2 tbsp Supreme Cumin Seeds
2 tbsp Supreme Coriander Seeds
1 tbsp Supreme Fennel Seeds
1 tbsp Supreme Sesame Seeds
5 Supreme Black Peppercorns
5 Supreme Cloves
2 Supreme Star Aniseed
2 (2 inch) Supreme Cassia Bark
2 Supreme Bay Leaves
⅓ cup Supreme Dessicated Coconut
5 Supreme Red Chillies
1 tbsp Supreme Anardana Powder
1 tbsp Supreme Kashmiri Red Chilli Powder
1 tbsp Supreme Ginger Powder

1kg white potato, peeled, boiled and mashed
½ cup red onion, finely chopped
1 tomato, deseeded and finely chopped
Pinch of hing (asafoetida)
¼ cup tamarind sauce/ chutney
6 tbsp dabeli masala
½ cup water
Salt to taste
½ cup pomegranate seeds

150g roasted & salted peanuts
1 tbsp oil
1 tsp chilli powder

4. Garnish:
Nylon sev
⅓ cup Red onion, finely chopped
⅓ cup Fresh coriander, finely chopped
¼ cup Pomegranate Seeds
Green chutney
Tamarind sauce/chutney
Tea cakes


1. Dabeli Masala:
Lightly toast all the whole spices and desiccated coconut until they release their aromas. Add to a spice/ coffee grinder and grind to a fine powder. Transfer to a stirile jar and add remaining ground spices. Close the jar and give it a good shake.

In a large mixing bowl, add boiled potatoes, red onion, tomato, hing, dabeli masala, tamarind sauce, salt, pomegranate seeds and water. Mix together until well combined.

Add peanuts, chilli powder, oil in a bowl and toss well. Set aside

4. Garnish:
On a plate mix together the garnishes; nylon sev, red onion, chopped coriander, pomegranate seeds and peanuts. Heat a frying pan over low heat. Spread one side of the teacake with green chutney and other side with tamarind chutney. Add a ⅓ cup of potato filling and top few spoonfuls of garnish mix and cover with top of teacake. Add a knob of butter to the frying pan and lightly toast the teacakes on both sides. Repeat with remaining teacakes and potato filling. Serve immediately.

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